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To celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Buell motorcycle company, Bikesure is offering 10% discount on all new motorcycle insurance for Buell bikes taken out before the end of the year. The 10% can be combined with several of Bikesure's other discount deals, such as limited mileage schemes, to get even cheaper motorbikeinsurance. "Buell has a relatively short history but it's a company that's all about biking passion, commitment and dedication," says Robert Balls of Bikesure. "Their radical attitude to design, their technical wizardry and the bikes' cool, aggressive looks have fired imaginations and inspired bikers since the company was founded by former Harley-Davidson ( engineer Erik Buell ( in 1983. "Over the years Bikesure has developed special polices for both Harley-Davidson and Buell motorcycles. We wanted to get involved in the celebrations, so we chatted to some of our Buell customers and the discount seemed the best way." The discount will apply to all Buell bikes – sports, streetfighter and adventure, along with Buell's various derivatives – and to both new and used machines. To get a quote simply call the Bikesure quoteline on 0800 089 2000 or visit the company's website - - where you can also buy cover online. Bikesure is 100% British owned and based. It has a huge range of specialist policies for the motorcycle enthusiast, including cheap motorbikeinsurance schemes for performance and custom bikes, scooters, trikes, quads and bug riders. news source :
One sure-fire way to save on gas is to ditch your car altogether and downsize to a motorbike. From Consumer Reports, here are five considerations to keep in mind before you buy your first bike: You may need to get a special license. In some states, smaller scooters require a vehicle license to operate and not a motorcycle license. Limitations on where the bike can be operated. As a general rule, vehicles that go below 30 mph are restricted to the right lane or the shoulder.
You should take a class. You’ll need to learn how to work the throttle and brakes, and how to take turns. You’ll have to find insurance. One good thing about insuring a motorcycle or scooter is it’s cheaper than insuring your car. You should shop around for a helmet. Although only 20 states currently require helmets for everyone, it is a safety feature that you shouldn’t go without. (In Texas, those age 21 and older can get helmet exemptions by passing amotorcycle course or proving that they have a minimum level of insurance.) Head injuries are the leading cause of death in motorcycle crashes. When you buy your helmet, look for one that complies with the U.S. Department of Transportation’s standards.
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