Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Bike Insurance - Watch out for the bike

Research has shown that the vast majority of crashes involving motorbikes, occur as a result of other road users’ apparent lack of awareness of them. A survey by leading bike insurance provider, Carole Nash, indicated that over 66% of motorcycle accidents are not actually caused by the insured biker but by other drivers. Moreover, the study also discovered that those who were at highest risk were the riders of lower-power vehicles, such as mopeds and scooters.

The insurer also stated that novice bikers who did not have the experience or road awareness of those who have ridden a motorbike for a good many years were also at a greater danger, in addition to younger riders and those with a zero no-claims bonus. Consequently, it is felt that greater action needs to be taken in order to ensure that motorcycle awareness is implemented within the driver training and testing regime, so that motorists understand the importance of using their peripheral vision to avoid missing bikers who are usually in the driver’s blind spot.

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